Visiting C. Krishniah Chetty Group of Jewellers During COVID-19
As the world currently suffers through a pandemic, life as we know it has turned away from normalcy. From casual trips to the mall, fun hangouts with friends at the bar, and lavish weddings to attend – nothing is possible anymore, and thus everything seems bland.

Yet, we understand time cannot halt. Work cannot come to a standstill. Life must go on. Though differently today, taking all precautions against COVID-19, we must resume to a life of adaptive normalcy.
Regardless of circumstances, the errands remain to be run. As Eid ul Azha draws near, the Muslim community still needs to conjure a mood of festivity, put on their best set of clothes, wear their favourite jewellery – and enjoy the time, while taking all precautionary measures.
For those who had their weddings scheduled in these months, the scale of the event may have been minimized to simple a few people of the household. Yet, it still remains the most special day for the life of the bride and groom. The bride still desires to be laden in gold and wear stunning bridal couture.
Life has to continue.
At C. Krishniah Chetty Group of Jewellers, we understand the situation.
All of these are special moments in life, and certainly need to be enjoyed – even through such difficult times.
Therefore, C. Krishniah Chetty Group of Jewellers makes it easy and less risky to go jewellery shopping by opting for elaborate and state-of-the-art protective measures.
Arriving at C. Krishniah Chetty Group of Jewellers
The Valet

- As you arrive at any of our buildings, you shall be greeted by a valet. If you want to opt for the valet parking facility, step out of the car and make your way to the entrance of the store.
- The parking ticket shall be issued in a socially distanced manner. Either you can tear it yourself from the machine, or an individual wearing gloves shall hand it to you.
- Before the valet sits on the driving seat, the car will be sanitized by an individual wearing the PPE suit. The steering wheel and other areas of contact will be sanitized, and a white paper cloth placed on the driving sear to prevent any germs from transmitting from the valet to the seat, and vice versa.
- The paper cloth will be removed before handing over the car to the client – rendering it a safe and hygienic valet experience.
Going In
- All clients will be greeted by a Namaste from an employee at the entrance door. There shall be no handshakes as per the mandatory social distancing.
- The body temperature shall be checked with a thermal gun. In case of fever, isolation will be recommended and the entrant disallowed entry.
- A 70% alcohol content, considered safe as a precaution against COVID-19, will be poured in the hands of the entering client. They will be required to sanitize their palms and hands up to the elbows.

The Shopping Experience
There are various counters and floors in the buildings of C. Krishniah Chetty Group of Jewellers. Following all safety protocols, you shall be allowed to make your way to the counter/jewellery section you wish to gain a closer look at.
- Chairs before each display are placed keeping in mind the required minimum distance of 3 feet. The clients can sit with comfort and ease.
- The staff on the front-end, i.e. employees who will show you the jewellery, shall be wearing masks and face shields mandatorily.
You can easily have a look at the jewellery that inspires you. In case you want to touch the jewellery for a feel of it, there are sanitizers and gloves available at each station. With the right protective equipment – you can also be allowed to do that.
Purchasing the jewellery, making a card transaction has also been facilitated in these circumstances. You shall be asked to insert the card and type in the code in the machine. The card machine shall be sanitized later. Soft copies of the invoices shall be issued on email – making the transaction nearly paperless, and thus limiting the chances of virus contraction.

If you wish to visit a jewellery display on another floor, there is an elevator in-keeping the preventative protocol. To maintain social distancing, no more than 2 occupants shall be allowed in the elevator at a single time.
If you wish to use the restroom, toilets at C. Krishniah Chetty Group of Jewellers are used at half capacity to maintain social distancing. You might have to wait in a 3-feet distanced queue if there are more people wanting to use the restroom at a single time.
The Safety of the Jewellery
When making a purchase at C. Krishniah Chetty Group of Jewellers, rest assured that the jewellery is sanitized.

There is frequent cleaning of all jewellery using ultrasonic and UV machines. Even tools used in the purchasing process, for instance those for ring sizes, are also properly sanitized regularly, with no sharing allowed whatsoever.
Health Checks of the Staff
At C. Krishniah Chetty Group of Jewellers, we maintain regular health checks for the staff to limit contagion risk.

- The temperature of each staff member is checked by a thermal gun every day.
- Medical and travel history of the staff obtained. In case of recent travel, self-quarantine is recommendation.
- Ear marked professionals check other health signs of the staff members.
- All staff members have to maintain social distancing, wear masks, as well as sanitize themselves frequently.
Plan Your Next Visit
With numerous precautions being taken for you, our clients, we have tried to make C. Krishniah Chetty Group of Jewellers a safe space for our clients.
Make your way to the nearest store for your jewellery purchase. Or, you can also opt for the online shopping option as you shop from the comfort of your home.
Safe and happy shopping to you!