Shape of my Heart: A glance into some interesting shapes and inclusions in gemstones

Humans come in all shapes and sizes, with birthmarks and other unique identifying features that distinguish one from the rest. Love comes in all ways and forms, with different ways of expression and individuality that makes it special and memorable in its own ways. Seasons come in all moods and changes, with different ways to entice and amaze us. Just like humans, love and seasons, gemstones come with certain specialities too, some distinctive inclusions that make them a little bit more special than they already are. 

We at C. Krishniah Chetty have always walked that extra mile and polished that extra while to make sure that we shine at the forefront of everything related to gemstones in the world. As GIA releases a special article on these unique shapes and inclusions that have been found recently, it’s only natural that we bring the news to our patrons, hot and ready to be served. So, without further ado, let us dive deep into the shine and reveal some interesting shapes and feathers that make some gemstones truly special.

Diamond Inclusion-Feather | CKC Jewellers

Surface reaching fractures in diamonds are called feathers and recently, experts have found a feather with a surprising anatomy in a 0.41 carat natural diamond. This feather resembled a conch shell, commonly known as ‘shanka’ in India. Talk about having some music hidden within the shine.

Square-Shaped Cloud in Diamond | CKC Jewellery Shop

Clouds are shapeless and fluffy right? But some clouds and not, and they don’t belong to the sky as well. Recently, polishers have discovered a perfect square cloud in a 0.34 carat round brilliant stone. A perfect square within a perfect stone, what else do you need to be on cloud 9?

A white button shaped pearl weighing around 9.92 carat was observed by experts recently. What set this pearl apart was that it featured a distinctive pattern similar to a hammered surface. An ethereal seed hammered to imperfect perfection. And since it is hammered let us just believe that somewhere back in time, maybe it was Thor’s hammer that gave this gemstone its signature surface.

Double Star Ruby Gemstone | CKC Jewellery Store

In gemology, a double-star corundum stands out as one of the rarest and most prized varieties of corundum featuring two intersecting stars that dance across the surface. This effect mimics miniature fireworks in a gemstone. This double star is caused by needle-like inclusions of the minerals. Recently, experts examined an unheated 11.43 carat purplish red ruby that displayed a 12 rayed double star phenomenon. A discovery that serves as a reminder that nature is full of surprises waiting to be uncovered.

Montana Sapphire with bird Inclusion | CKC Jewellers

A Montana sapphire recently shone bright with a group of fingerprint and crystal inclusions. The pattern discovered resembled a bird, complete with iridescence along the wings and a prominent included crystal as the eye. The angle of the bird within the gemstone added depth and movement to the pattern. A true shining flight of fancy. 

These are just some of the marvels of nature that were discovered in these shining treasures that mother earth adorns us with. Who knows how many more mysteries they hide and stories there are yet to tell. One thing is certain though, as long as we have these shining gifts of Mother Nature amongst us and underneath our Earth, we will be ever ready to unlock the mysteries and lend our ears to their tales of splendour. 

See you next time, with more interesting stories from the world of gemology. Until then, shine on!

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